29 October 2011

... a metal clay ring and hollow form pendant

Finally... my metal clay ring is made. I took much longer than I anticipated, because in the first week, we just practiced with Fimo, the following week we made the ring with clay, and only last week we got to fire it in the kiln. For this ring I carved a star shape into a piece of lino and pressed my silver clay into it. I deliberately left it a bit "rough round the edges" as I think this adds to the look I wanted to achieve. A bit of time, and it will have some nice patina between the rays of the star, which will make it stand out more. I read somewhere that you can achieve the patina more quickly by putting your piece of silver into a plastic bag with chopped up boiled egg. Hmmm... I think I'd rather wait for it to happen naturally.

As we only fired our rings, we also had time to make another pendant using syringe type clay. This was fiddly, but I'm keen to try again. For this, we had to create a basic shape using cork clay a few weeks ago. This was left to dry, and then we piped the silver clay onto it using a syringe. As it was fired, the cork burnt away inside, leaving this hollow form.

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