2 March 2012

... Herman the German - the cake

10 days after being given a portion of sourdough called Herman the German, my Herman (who, if he was really German, would actually be called Hermann) was ready to be baked. I had to be quite organised and bought some takeaway boxes to pass Herman's "siblings" on in. I had also made the strategic decision not to split Herman the day before baking, but to pass the three portions of base dough on to friends together with a piece of cake. This worked very well, as after tasting this cake, they were all keen to give this 10-day process a go.

I came home late after a long day at work - but not late enough to stop me from baking Herman. The great thing about the recipe is that you don't need a mixer - just add all the ingredients, give it a stir with a wooden spoon, and it's basically ready. I followed the recipe, except for the fruit - I used 200g of blueberries, and instead of putting melted butter on top, I used butter flakes and sprinkled the brown sugar onto that. 

I took the cake to work the next day, and it didn't last very long...

Here are some before and after shots:

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