22 February 2012

... Herman the German - Friendship Cake

I cannot describe the excitement I felt when I was given Herman the German friendship cake starter dough by my friend Michaela. This sourdough base has supposedly been passed on between friends for decades, so it feels quite special to be a part of that "chain".

When you are given a portion of dough, you have to tend to it for ten days, pampering and "feeding" it (it has a man's name presumably because women care for it). You add flour, sugar and milk half way through the process, and just before you bake the cake, you split the dough into four and give the other three portions to friends - so the cycle continues. The original recipe is said to originate from the Amish, but I suspect this technique has been wide-spread in German speaking countries for centuries.

I've had Herman for four days now - he smells pleasantly of beer (which is probably another reason why he is called Herman) and is bubbling away nicely. Hmmm.. I have just fed him, and he looks quite content:

I'm full of ideas of what I'll do with Herman when he's ready to go in the oven. I'm thinking blueberries... but let's see. I'll keep posting progress.

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